‘Double banking’ occurs when two or more tankers are berthed at the same jetty in such a way that the presence or operations of one tanker act as a physical constraint on the other. Double banking is sometimes used as a means of conducting multiple transfers between the shore and more than one tanker at the same jetty at the same time. The outermost tanker may be moored to an inner tanker or to the shore, and hose strings led from shore, across the inner tanker, to the outermost. This causes significant complication in respect of management of the tanker/shore interface. Double banking of tankers on a berth for cargo operations should not be conducted unless a formal engineering study and risk assessment have been carried out and a formal procedure and safety plan produced. As a minimum, before such activities are agreed, consideration and agreement must be reached by all parties concerned regarding safe arrival and departure, strength of jetty construction, mooring fittings, mooring arrangements, personnel access, management of operational safety, liability, contingency planning, fire-fighting and emergency unberthing.
In Double Insurance as more than two policies are issued on behalf of one insurable interest, and total sums insured exceeds r indemnity/ over-insurance. Usually, both Insurers pay for 50% of the claim. This can happen in 2 cases: 1 Purposely: Rarely or sometimes a bank refuses to accept policy unless provided by particular Insurers--another policy is required and there is no return of unearned premium. 2 Inadvertently/accident: Sometimes an agent will purchase coverage and principle already has coverage. in that case, both Insurers return 50% of unearned premium in the event of a loss.